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Re: The Dragon Awakes Final Demo 0.02

It's distinct from PMS because the S is in lowercase.

Meh, I dunno, it just feels odd to me....So there needs to be something to indicate that there is actually stuff between the M and s...

None - January 16, 2007, 02:00:43 -
Re: Announcing VPEdit

Import Files(s)
Import Directory

Would it be possible to add another two items - Export File(s) and

Water - January 02, 2009, 06:06:19 -
Nimble fighter...

If it doesn´t do that, what´s the use of having it??...That´s because the wing span of the Clay was wider than any fighter on FS2.

Swamp_Thing - January 29, 2005, 10:01:01 -
GTCv Scimitar


That´s about right. Too many polys for FS at the moment....version, where i did away with most of the greebling, this version is already reaching 12000 polys and it´s

Swamp_Thing - December 22, 2004, 02:21:11 -
Re: Race, politics, and stupidity

If a species becomes too homogenous it s doomed the moment a disease exploits their traits....He s got it pretty much all backward.

Mikes - April 14, 2011, 10:06:26 -
Re: Video Game Character/s you cared about the most

Quote from: General Battuta on April 03, 2013, 11:09:58 am Like most aspects of Battlefield 3's...Battlefield 3's single player plot actually does a couple interesting things, but much of it is an unremarkable

General Battuta - April 03, 2013, 12:28:14 -
Iraq resistence: 400 attacks a week.

That´s like about 70 a day! And they say the insurgence is dying out... Yeah, right!..., the insurgency would be out of fresh bodies to go on if we were to take serious the claim that it´s

Swamp_Thing - April 27, 2005, 06:11:27 -
Re: Canon nebulae for a system

The fact remains that Alpha 1's voice is never heard in the main FS campaigns, and this is an unrealistic...Campaigns like BP that involve developing Alpha 1's character are different, narratively, than the main

Shivan Hunter - March 23, 2010, 03:09:41 -
Going POSTAL: part 3. (Or is it nº 4??)

The thing is, there´s a lot of people out there with similar grievances, that take this crap as a sort...There´s a lot of wackos out there, and stuff like this makes them spawn out of the friggin walls by the

Swamp_Thing - March 13, 2005, 10:06:01 -
Gargant V2

The interceptors max speed (the perseus) is 100m/s.

.......Just for examplee, the F-14 Tomcat, allso an (real)interceptor, can go at about 2517km/h.......or 699m/s

TrashMan - March 30, 2003, 02:19:46 -
Re: Command is quite stupid. Why do they even use Beams? So ineffective.

If a ship is moving at 30m/s, it adds 30 m/s to the speed of the bomb anyway.

foolfromhell - July 31, 2007, 08:35:33 -
Re: Atheism and Agnosticism

Unfortunately, if you apply the same expansion to theism - theism is an unconscious belief in god(s)...What is "an unconscious belief in god(s)"?

Good question.  I can't answer it. 

MP-Ryan - July 07, 2013, 11:56:10 -
Re: A Nation Of Cowards

per 100k in '60 to 8,938 per 100k in '88), and then began to drop steadily, from 8000+ in the mid 80' 4000+ in the mid 2000's, per 100 000 inhabitants.

BengalTiger - March 27, 2009, 04:04:56 -
Re: Finally bought a new stick

And today I resurrected the M/S Sidewinder. dam glad I put it in a bag and box before burying it, the...I really wish M/S still made the sidewinder cause obviously Logitech is crap.

wolfen - February 13, 2011, 06:16:08 -
Re: RIAA wants student to drop out of MIT

hardware that's doing the playback itself (limited bit depth on a soundcard in post-processing where the 1's...and 0's are actually converted to an audible wave, for example) just as much as analog playback can be

StratComm - April 13, 2006, 01:43:09 -
Remembering INFR1

I went to muck around with INFR1's article , which consisted of only one line of text for over a decade...In expanding the article, it got me wondering how INFR1's development was like, and what exactly did

Androgeos Exeunt - June 05, 2020, 10:20:51 -
Re: I just tried MediaVPs 3.6.12. Thank you for making MediaVPs 2014!

So, I'll just rename 3.6.12's MV_RadarIcons.vp file to something else and then copy/paste 2014's over

TwoCables - December 07, 2014, 09:03:59 -
Re: My Game Engine is too Awesome

engine a month or so ago it got 20-30 fps (although that was with spheres instead of MultiSphereShape s)...Anyway, profiler says it's malloc 's fault.

Aardwolf - June 04, 2012, 12:57:58 -
Re: New music coming your way soon!

Well, CP5670, we can't exactly help the fact that FS1's sound samples are also, as I pointed out earlier..., drastically inferior to FS2's.

Gregster2k - November 17, 2006, 02:43:16 -
OT- why doesn't anybody want us to go into Iraq

*rubs crystal ball(s)*

I see Vyper sitting up late watching a p0r... *ahem*  movie.

vyper - August 22, 2002, 01:30:29 -