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Re: How EA ruined Mass Effect (Split from SWBF2)

ME2's godawful story was saved by the character stuff, but ME3's wasn't. ...ME3's story is a cluster**** from start to finish. ...Calling out the multiplayer makes no sense, because ME3's gameplay was by far the best of the series,

Det. Bullock - November 25, 2017, 01:41:51 -
Re: Battleships of World War II

The Brits, and most nations, armored their turret barbettes heavily, but Hood 's magazines had little...There was a one-inch antisplinter bulkhead seperating Hood 's after main magazines from her engineroom...through the bulkhead to detonate the after main magazines, or a shell from Bismark ( Prinz Eugen 's...It was a very late addition to the South Dakota 's design, but Iowa had them from the keel up.

NGTM-1R - September 22, 2007, 01:19:27 -
i need a lil feedback...

ship data in this format for this page)

Accronym-Class Name-Hitpoints (Life)
Primaries: Gun Mount(s)...Max Hitpoints Each Mount (only when doubled up can double damage be inflicted)
Secondaries: Launcher(s)...1vs1)

SF-Stealth Fighter (200)
Primaries: 1/200
Secondaries: 1/150

SB-Stealth Bomber (400)
P: 1/200
S:...2/200 (each)

HAF-Heavy Assault Fighter (450)
P: 2/700
S: 2/900 (each)

deep_eyes - October 28, 2002, 10:25:37 -
Re: Buy One Get One Free on Interplay games including FS / FS2!

I also thought D2's levels looked far too similar and were much less memorable than the levels of D3...D3's outdoors areas were a nice change but I thought those were the weakest aspect of the game....D3's multiplayer was much better due to the weapon balance, which was miles ahead of D2....I did like D2's basic flight model better though, with slower turning and faster movement.

CP5670 - September 03, 2009, 01:13:59 -
Listen carefully, can you hear it?

Quote Originally posted by Swamp_Thing

Just because you don´t want it to work, that´s all....What this bill is trying to do is turn every house into a man´s medieval castle, where you do what the...It´s a license to kill your neighbour, and go scott free....Maybe i don´t like the milkman, because i got it through my thick skull that he´s banging my wife.

redmenace - May 20, 2005, 11:20:48 -
Re: X2 and X3 on Steam

Quote from: phreak on August 01, 2006, 10:37:50 pm 1) When purchasing a ship, it shows "Ship Name S/...class when buying a fighter (looking/grinding towards an Argon Nova, atm), or can i be same with the S/...The S/M/L is what equipment the ship has....S being minimal stuff and L normally being maximum shields, a few weapons, the works.

Ghostavo - August 02, 2006, 08:00:16 -
Re: FreeSpace Open Installer! Download it now!

First of all, i want to send my greetings for turey because he´s work make our life and playing easier...That´s my second time making my install from turey installer, but i haven´t been as sucessful as i have...I checked and the program still being viewed as working in the windows (it ´s not non responding)....It´s not possivble to copy and paste from the installation progress place, so.....

lobisomem - September 29, 2007, 09:27:46 -
Re: The boanerges

annoying, especially when leading a wing against a capital ship

Alpha 1, 2000 m from rakshasa, < 100 m/s...Alpha 2-4, Beta, Epsilon, and Delta, 5000 m from rackshasa, > 75 m/s

Alpha 1, Critical

Rest, 100%

Killer Whale - January 16, 2008, 05:53:16 -
My 2 cents

the UN opposes an act of war, then what will stop them the (Iranians) from aquiring long range ICBM`s...I say strike now, before it`s to late... Just my 2 cents

Whitelight - October 19, 2002, 01:36:05 -
ML-16 Laser gun

Either way, it´s pointless. Had you read the first posts, you´d see this was all covered already....Now let´s drop the issue.

Swamp_Thing - June 20, 2005, 09:03:49 -
FS does have anti-gravity

If the support ship can dock with me while I'm moving at any speed less then 20 m/s, and destroyers 15 m/s, then I don't see why they'd need wheels when they can manuver well enough to get two ships

NGTM-1R - March 03, 2005, 12:46:00 -
More new stuff (and what you can do with it)

When they did, they acellerated to about 150 m/s, but when I jumped, I dropped down to about 42 m/s.  

Trivial Psychic - October 16, 2005, 01:58:59 -
is_tagged fixed!

Changed by [email protected]
         return 1;
// not tagged
return 0;

One line if()'s don't...need {}'s, the commented code makes it look like there's more to it though.

EdrickV - November 20, 2002, 09:39:22 -
Re: I need a constant internet analysis tool.

OK josh, nice nerdsnipe, here is your command:

{ { date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S," ; wget -O /dev/null http...:// 2>&1 | grep -oh '\([0-9.]\+ [KM]B/s\)' ; } | xargs echo -n ; echo "" ; } &gt

Bobboau - November 02, 2014, 01:33:07 -
Re: Hey mother****ers' Ive been drining all night



diamondgeezer - October 29, 2006, 06:34:51 -
Re: New Technology, Original, Implementable


Damn I didn't notice Wobble got there before me, I was actually replying to:

Quote from: S-...turrets(except the green ones since they are almost as powerful as a prometheus) with subachs hl-7's.

Mars - July 28, 2006, 12:12:35 -
Re: Most Recognizable Freespace Dialogue?

Kappa 3's transmission, maybe.

Do cutscenes count?

Ghost - February 19, 2007, 10:25:02 -
A New Idea for a Campaign

I can't accelerate to 39m/s to get home!

Command: Lower your shields and aim for a lightning.

Terorist - March 14, 2002, 01:54:41 -
Re: What are Command mistakes

Don't just set throttle to max, activate the goddamn subspace drive and get going like 200 m/s straight

Aardwolf - October 21, 2009, 09:40:51 -
Re: Mass Effect 3

Except for the graphical differences, I actually kind of prefer ME1's style of play, even considering

PsychoLandlord - May 21, 2011, 06:21:58 -