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AHAHAHA: - "US Troops Worse Than Saddam"

They did it because most untrained human beings become sadistic ****s when given this kind of authority

vyper - January 15, 2005, 01:58:08 -
Re: Whatever happens in your life

Cost about S$488. Really nice sword ...

Stormkeeper - June 29, 2008, 09:53:59 -
FreeSpace2 SCP DVD .torrent - please help seed when you finish!!

EDIT: Removed broken torrent, here's the fixed one(s)

jr2 - March 13, 2007, 08:58:13 -
Re: Fenris cruisers

Inter-system jumps, but Intra system jumps could have been developed years before, you never know 

Colonol Dekker - June 06, 2006, 10:53:54 -
FS1 Prometheus question

Quote Originally posted by Kosh
The Prometheus S did have a much faster velocity than the original

Cobra - May 02, 2005, 01:30:22 -
Re: Unnamed cheat: ~u

, it would simply to take a large fast moving asteroid to take out something even as large as INFR1's

Dilmah G - February 28, 2009, 06:14:15 -
Re: W-H-I-Y-L - Lorric/Retsof get Nuked!

I've been getting a lot more spam messages on my AIM account(s) recently.

Aardwolf - July 29, 2014, 11:09:19 -
The Coming Of Beyond: Mission 1 Story

Duat is a Mentu Class, is in the Ship database, CP5970's one.

Head of the Beyond

TheVirtu - January 15, 2002, 09:19:00 -
Reasons why Shivans Rule

I would've been really scared

Oh you will be, you wil be scared to s***  when you (if you

Razor - April 08, 2002, 10:39:59 -
Re: Any interest in testing the original/new PXO?

not sure it'd serve much practical purpose, since the community's been using their own server tracker(s)

Mongoose - April 30, 2017, 10:10:54 -
Crash problem / .mdmp extension help needed

Since the .log is unrevealing and I failed to open them .mdmp files can s/o please help me out here?

SF-Junky - November 22, 2020, 08:45:28 -
Inside of the Galileo.

Besides, it´s not like TS can even handle such a monster poly count. Some things i will put in....What´s it for, may you ask? Well, basically it´s for fun. And because it hasn´t been done yet....It´s humongous!!
We can have Bosch in his cabin, writing his journal....Or we can have the pilot´s briefing room, with Alpha 1 picking his nose.

Swamp_Thing - February 14, 2005, 12:18:30 -
Re: megaupload shut down

In the 70's not everyone had a computer....In the 10's not everyone has their own cluster, especially not to the extent of university or commercial...And in the 12's, not everyone has access to broadband or a computer for that matter. ...access your desired cloud service. furthermore, the limitations of access to a mainframe in the 70's...are much greater than that of access to a cloud service in the 10's.

rev_posix - January 22, 2012, 09:51:35 -

Quote Originally posted by KARMA
1mglt is close to 1 m/s
IIRC in XvT (i verified with a chronometer......) a TF has an official speed of 100 mglt but around 104 m/s in game (not sure, i should check my notes..., but i remember it was little over 100m/s)
now, if this depend by XvT physic or the effective measue...of 1mglt, i don't know, we are using in our mod 1mglt=1m/s (so to have 100 as top speed in the hud)

Woolie Wool - July 14, 2003, 04:56:32 -
Re: A celebration of Freespace

But motion blur was present in 3dfx's last line of voodoo cards which was like the voodoo4's and 5's...Voodoo 4's and 5's weren't slow cards either, they were quite fast in their day even in the area of 32bit

S-99 - January 28, 2007, 06:51:54 -
Fix for Mantis 2369

Default SBanks:"))
+ sbank_defaults_specified = true;
  strcat_s(parse_error_text,"' capacities
+ if(optional_string("$SBank Capacity:"))
+ {
  strcat_s(parse_error_text,"'s...LOCATION, "Number of default secondary banks and number of bank capacities do not match for ship class %s....Warning(LOCATION, "Secondary bank capacities have not been completely specified for ship class %s.

CommanderDJ - November 03, 2011, 06:32:34 -
tertiary weapons

Quote Originally posted by IceFire

Now now....B-17's, IL-2's, and P-47's were noteable for their...heavy armor and incredible resilance to damage (there are stories of P-47's cliping telephone poles

pyro-manic - July 12, 2003, 07:00:39 -
A cry to the new Battlestar Galactica fans... lets begin the BSG Total Conversion!!!!

That´s not the point. As i was led to believe, the mod would focus on the Pegasus´s story, right?...It´s completelly possible and even probable, that it would happen so, in a real situation....It´s not wether one show was better than the other, this is about making a beliavable MOD, a believable

Swamp_Thing - February 02, 2005, 09:00:01 -
Re: Specular..whatever .. ruin the atmosphere....

Herra Tohtori on August 13, 2006, 12:04:15 pm Well, if

D = horizontal diameter of your screen

s...= distance from eyes to screen

alpha = actual angle of the screen

tan alpha =2 * D / ( 2 * s )

alpha...= 2 * arctan ( D / [ 2 * s ] )

The actual -fov *.*** number is announced in radians, so if you count...calculator can be set to count in radians, you get the result directly by

2 * tan^-1 ( D / [ 2 * s

Kaboodles - August 16, 2006, 12:04:47 -
Graphics corruption.

It´s all working good, then suddenlly the system freezes for a bit, like 20 seconds or so, and either...´t the best to judge, as the pixel corruption is usually much worse and takes some 50% of the frame´s...I think it´s driver or DirectX related, but there is a chance my graphics card is acting up aswell....I´ve tried several drivers, i´m currently using nVidia´s 67.02 beta.

Swamp_Thing - March 25, 2005, 06:13:42 -