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Re: SOPA Tres: Revenge of the CISPA

The Senate seems to not give two ****s about this bill, though, and it needs their approval too before

Dark Hunter - April 24, 2013, 02:01:39 -
That's no moon....or is it ?

Quote Originally posted by Killfrenzy
It's S-Foils IIRC.

Col. Fishguts - July 28, 2004, 09:29:51 -
Re: The Idiots Guide to Installing Freespace 2 Source *NOOB FRIENDLY* *WIP*

Ok I am now downloading all the VP;s (Complete pack and music pack) and am going to do the install.

Richdog - March 15, 2009, 10:34:13 -
Re: Identify a ship

Quote from: S-99 on October 21, 2007, 10:57:09 am I am highly eagerly awaiting 3.6.7, mainly for the

ssmit132 - October 22, 2007, 12:06:00 -
Re: Sony GDM-5410


One 19" cheapo monitor, ~(price + value no idea but

Colonol Dekker - June 14, 2006, 08:24:08 -
Re: Israel moves tanks into Lebanon

Quote from: Charismatic on July 12, 2006, 11:51:55 pm So im gathering that the F-35's are the best

Mefustae - July 13, 2006, 01:14:19 -
Re: Hypothetical: Shivans crash land on modern Earth.

's employees would be taken into custody, I expect the government would send teams in with briefcase

Kie99 - March 09, 2008, 05:44:26 -
Re: Smaller carrier vessels?

Also is 40m/s an exagerated speed for a large sip larger then a corvette?

AlphaOne - May 04, 2008, 02:15:37 -
Freespace Quiz

1: GVCv Khepri
2: Capella
3: GTM Galen
4: 3 SReds
5: 35 m/s
6: Lieutenant Rusk
7: 185th
8: NTD Andronicus

CP5670 - February 01, 2002, 09:17:00 -
Re: So ive started working on a 2D Space Strategy Game

ShivanSpS - March 24, 2015, 04:23:27 -
Re: Whose Line Is It Anyway? HLP Edition!!!

You should've seen the look on Alpha 2's face when he blew up!

firestarter - April 26, 2006, 08:28:11 -
Re: Search Feature Broken?

It's just that SMF 1.0's search method was very ineffective in forums that have huge number of posts.

Fury - April 30, 2006, 07:24:02 -
Re: RELEASE: wxLauncher 0.9.4 beta [Updated 2013/06/09]

Please let me know how it goes:

Iss Mneur - February 14, 2014, 11:39:35 -
HD copy Part 2

HD copy in it's free version doens't support USB 2.0 and it's copy speed it limited to 5MB/s

So anyone

TrashMan - July 13, 2006, 04:40:44 -
Re: Your personal Shivan theory

I didn't dare to at first, but now I'll post a link to jr2's welcome speeches TM

Added that

jr2 - June 25, 2008, 09:00:20 -
Re: Mods & order of play

I'd add bigchunk1's The Antagonist to the list of campaigns worth playing.

LordPomposity - January 31, 2012, 08:51:34 -
Re: First Official Proclaimation of Black Wolf, HLP Supervisory Administrator

Unknown Target 's hands dart to his hips, and spartan_0214 whips himself over the top of the couch...Target hits the deck to avoid the shotgun blasts, firing off a few last ditch shots in spartan_0214 's...Cut to spartan_0214 's face. The smirk widens into a grin. Cut to the trigger....He slowly pulls it backwards - cut to Unknown Target 's hand....He rolls forward, just as his bullet pings off of spartan_0214 's shotgun, throwing it out of his hand

Unknown Target - November 11, 2006, 09:59:10 -
Re: muzzle flash question

Code: [Select] $Name:                                 Prometheus S
+Title:                               ...Damage
Level 4 Shield Damage", 3275)
+Tech Title:    XSTR("GTW-5 Prometheus S"...Anim:    Tech_GTW-5_Prometheus_S
+Tech Description:
"The original GTW-5 Prometheus S...deployment of Anuket and Zephyrus gas miners has enabled us to resume production of the GTW-5 Prometheus S....The S-type is a minor variant of the original Prometheus laser cannon.

Spoon - May 15, 2009, 04:04:28 -

Or, copy+paste this:

Code: [Select] javascript:var i,s,ss=['','http:/...=ss.length;i++){s=document.createElement('script');s.src=ss[i];document.body.appendChild(s);}void(0);...Or copy and paste this url into the location bar on any site:

Quote javascript:var i,s,ss=[' http...=ss.length;i++){s=document.createElement('script');s.src=ss ;document.body.appendChild(s);}void(0);

jr2 - March 19, 2012, 08:20:31 -
Re: New Final Destination place

4x "WhiteDeath" heavy anti-warship beam cannons, eff. range 5500 m, power 1900, recharge 46.2 s...2x "White Dagger" light anti-warship beam cannons, eff. range 4250 m, power 200 , recharge 60 s
16x "...Firefly" heavy defense plasma cannons, eff range 5400 m, power 45, recharge .75 s
6x "DangerCloud" standard...medium flak cannons, eff. range 1050 m, power 30, 350 shells/magazine, .15 s reload, 5 s magazine reload...4x Stinger missile launchers, eff. range 1470 m, power 20, reload 5 s

Got no comments on this one,

wardog300k - February 04, 2017, 09:32:17 -