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FS1 Prometheus question

the Prom S is much better than the original.

Carl - May 01, 2005, 02:27:31 -
Pof Cs 1.3.1

Hey Kazan, can you add voice/briefing s and voice/debriefing s to the list of folders in VP Constructor

Goober5000 - March 30, 2003, 02:11:34 -
Re: How to add mechs to MCO

"Using excel for SCV-s will corrupt the file on save."...Don't mean to sound so ignorant (even though I am when it comes to MCO) - but - what is SCV-s?

mikeva1 - July 21, 2015, 11:51:53 -
MOD Revenge

It´s an older Mod and i couldn´t find a proper thread....I´m at the captain´s exam and can´t finish Phase 1. Can somebody remember?

Littlebird - March 02, 2010, 01:51:37 -
New Galaxy carrier

I don`t think so, it`s only 25m long.
Seriously though, it`s a nice, blocky terran ship.

knn - July 04, 2005, 09:15:59 -
Re: The subach

The S-breaker (and Circe) were good weapons....I especially like it on the Clash of Titans II, with a Erinyes with Prometheus S and Circe, you can wipe

Mars - August 06, 2008, 05:08:20 -
Best looking games?

HL2's environments are closer to photorealistic; Doom 3's are a little more cartoon-y, IMO.

NGTM-1R - July 29, 2005, 08:30:39 -
Worst acting you've ever seen on TV

Quote Originally posted by PhReAk
Mars Attacks was pretty bad, but i think that was satirizing 50's...was surely intended as satire, but in the end it was exactly as horrible as the 50's sci-fi it was based

ZylonBane - December 19, 2003, 03:38:05 -
Re: Ace Combat 7 - All the strangereal please

I've seen 3's cheaper than 4's is all.   

Wireless for the win mind you.

Colonol Dekker - January 15, 2019, 01:28:44 -
Re: What is your preferred MP3 bitrate?

Quote from: Scuddie on February 13, 2007, 04:22:18 am I use 128kb/s when I want to make my ears bleed...I use 192kb/s for decent (but not great) quality for the benefit of storage....I use 256kb/s most of the time, it's a good sweet spot between quality and file size....I use 320kb/s for the highest fidelity and depth for compressed music....I use 384kb/s for archiving purposes when FLAC isn't available.

Starkweather - February 13, 2007, 07:39:11 -
Re: Download Freespace 2 SCP Pack v1.5c (Complete) by ShivanSpS

My connection rate gives me 11Mb/s down and 2Mb/s up, which is pretty fast, and I typically act as a...Some people download the pack off of me at 600kb/s+, while others will download it at 4kb/s

Mets - January 27, 2007, 01:02:44 -
Re: ship save/load script

evaluateSexp() and runSexp() is this line:

Code: [Select] snprintf(buf, 8191, "( when ( true ) ( %s...) )", s);
which is present in runSexp() but not evaluateSexp(). to make the syntax more uniform, i...could just add it to evaluateSexp but use:

Code: [Select] snprintf(buf, 8191, "( %s )", s);

Nuke - February 22, 2011, 06:31:27 -
The 45 Ideas Of Thunder

velocty away from the centre of gravity is higher than the gravitic pull (in Earths case about 9.8 m/s/...s) then you are at escape velocity, so if you are going upwards at a constant 10m/s then you are at escape

Flipside - November 01, 2003, 12:02:01 -
Re: Uninstallation off old XP machine.

Ok delete Freespace 2's folder.

None - August 07, 2007, 01:09:05 -
Re: EFF'ing Head.ani's!

Much <3's.

Droid803 - August 08, 2012, 01:28:40 -
Re: Music: Duress

's allright, not your best work imo.

Retsof - September 09, 2008, 10:21:16 -
Vasudans loose in US military base!!

It´s a box of shrunken headz, cannibal style.

Swamp_Thing - February 11, 2005, 03:50:30 -
some targeting eyecandy ideas I just had

i like FS2's radar system

Lightspeed - November 13, 2003, 12:30:02 -

's how I'm doing my Ares.

Taristin - December 30, 2004, 11:16:10 -

's often referred to as college/school in the States.

Taristin - July 02, 2005, 08:39:56 -