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Re: Can anyone recommend a good software for recording gameplay for FS2?

I've been thinking about infraview lately in my desire to do "Let's Play"s of various FS campaigns, but

NGTM-1R - May 24, 2009, 06:16:23 -
Re: Semi-official new people thread!

appears that multiplayer is limited to certain times due to the relatively low number of people in FS2's

Ryu Gemini - May 18, 2011, 01:25:21 -
Re: Shivans: Why only 1 Lucifer?

Quote from: Rheyah on July 27, 2014, 12:40:36 pm ...the S to only be produced immediately following...The Prometheus S started production after the first nebula missions because it needed the materiel from

Megawolf492 - July 27, 2014, 07:48:44 -
Possible use of the Anubis after 2335

is impossible for FS fighters and bombers to be atmosphericially capeable, since few can reach 100m/s,...hardly close to 10.9km/s...

Arculis - June 19, 2004, 07:58:10 -
Re: What did Alpha 1 . . .

face when Alpha 1 suddenly pops up in front of the Aquitaine and says hello after Capella Ending 2's...How about, "S***...I knew you knew what you were doing."?

Stormkeeper - December 09, 2008, 01:40:44 -
Re: Graphics glitch concerning beamweapons

am I supposed to put those beam-files in order to get it working with the rest of the 3.6.10 mediavp`s?...Im not familliar with FSO`s way of reading files and I dont want to screw up my install

None - December 01, 2008, 05:51:42 -
Freespace 2 FTP server

It tells you exactly what (it`s in yellow) to do if you are using filezilla....Hence why I asked people to read the whole post in it`s entirety.

Fractux - November 21, 2003, 06:17:32 -
Re: Favourite Music track in FS

With FS2's Brief04, I can already daydream a scene where I'm in the briefing room (with some other people...I think the projector's gridlines are also red (instead of FS2's green). 

asyikarea51 - September 02, 2006, 07:38:07 -
Re: Prepare t' be Boarded!!

I t mak es it imp ossi ble t o ma ngle th e word s th ems elv es, th ou gh it ma y sti...J ust b e su re t o bre ak al l En glish w ord s.

Herra Tohtori - September 19, 2006, 08:50:03 -
OT: Choose a sense to loose

`d have to say smell, then I couldn`t smell those raunchy farts that my son sneeks out, or after he`s...He also likes to burp and blow it in my face, blek those are nasty toooo.. so it`s smell of corse:D

Whitelight - September 02, 2002, 09:03:55 -
[FA] FRED Academy Sign Ups

ass. you have a minute of lazyness and the next minute 8 lokis descend on you armed with promsR,hl-7's...rockeyes and tempests. is it just me or is it generaly accepted that having anything weaker than Proms S

pecenipicek - November 26, 2004, 11:39:06 -
Re: CNN opinion article: The real gun problem is mental health, not the NRA

wikipedia says that when the statistics on that very site show the rate almost doubling from 1950 to 1980's...and then stabilizing at about 150% of 1950's rates.

Ghostavo - June 27, 2014, 10:27:37 -
Re: If you've ever wondered what I would consider legitimate cause to intervene...

Tank forces are mainly Type 59 and T-55's.
Air force include a whole 40 MiG-29's.

Apollo - March 07, 2013, 07:50:33 -
Re: And the Dutch flag is set ablaze!

Quote from: Fearless Leader on March 03, 2008, 11:20:31 pm -Joshua-, those f***s have been burning...a long time, all I can say is wait for them to do something more, then take over their country and s*

Mefustae - March 04, 2008, 02:54:01 -
Re: HDD free space relocation?

All the stuff on the outer rim must be passed as many 1/s as all the stuff on the inner rim (constant...So the outer ring is faster (in terms of kb/s, due to higher linear velocity).

castor - June 30, 2008, 11:15:30 -
Re: I just realized something

Maxim damage: 20, armor factor 1.3 = 26
Kayser damage: 28, armor factor 1.0 = 28
Prometheus S damage:...If I'm not mistaken, the Kayser does the most hull damage per shot of the three, and the Prometheus S

Commander Zane - January 05, 2009, 04:57:28 -
Talk about European football - What's the pont in offside?

Okay, maybe not that high, but in the 10's and 15's for sure.

BlackDove - October 08, 2005, 12:30:17 -
Re: Why, Iran?! Why do you make it so easy for people to hate you?

Moreover, the neo-cons had been planning for an invasion of Iraq since the mid-90's, and made those plans...I, for one, am happy that they've encountered such a s***-storm, and hope the legacy of their infamy

Mefustae - May 20, 2006, 01:14:02 -
Re: The official world cup thread

you brought up us getting to the quarters in '02 and that it wasnt an anomaly, but I seem to recall S....Did I miss where S. Korea became a world power in soccer(football)?

Night Hammer - June 21, 2006, 01:47:00 -
OT - Halo

Quote oh yeah, some people probably heard this, but redfaction2's been officially announced.

CP5670 - May 16, 2002, 01:06:52 -