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Re: Esarai's Fleetpack (Emperor Flagship and Phoenix Multirole Frigate)

Turret27's normal is pointing the wrong way.

Droid803 - September 20, 2010, 10:09:45 -
Re: Space shooter- worthy successor of FS?

I`ve been playing freespace simply because it´s BETTER!!!...(specialy the screen with the pilot´s body on it... what about that???

Rodo - May 22, 2008, 07:19:47 -
Re: Any sadists here...

The only thing that bugs me about FS 2's campaign vs....FS 1's is the enemies are total missile whores in part two.

Mr_Blastman - October 07, 2009, 09:33:39 -
Re: A SEXP tree doesn't work, but it should

Given that, it's quite possible that FRED is smart enough to say "Ok, so Cruiser 1's hits are lower than...Cruiser 2's right now , but that may change later.

Shade - April 17, 2010, 11:52:13 -
Pof Cs 1.3.1

Quote Originally posted by Goober5000
Hey Kazan, can you add voice/briefing s and voice/debriefing...s to the list of folders in POF Constructor Suite?  

Kazan - March 30, 2003, 08:51:40 -
Re: Uhh..., where is the Jump Node??

Quote Originally posted by Psychonaut
Using Bob´s Build 06_03 (it´s the same with 06_10, but this

WMCoolmon - June 19, 2004, 04:09:05 -
does this ssj look shivan?

EDIT: Actually, those listed above are the best in terms of what Freespace 2's design doctrine went by...The Cain, Manticore, and Scorpion were the best of FS1's era (if you look, you will notice there is a

Nico - March 12, 2004, 08:56:54 -
Re: Nuclear1 and Mongoose

Do you happen to remember the names of the missions, or at least the name(s) of their zip or rar file...(s)?

Mongoose - November 01, 2006, 04:11:31 -
Re: Bypass Max Pilots?

Quote from: takashi on March 11, 2007, 10:47:29 pm ctrl-sft-s extends the list to include missions...The CTRL-SHIFT-S hotkey also works in the techroom for ships, weapons and intel entries, as well as the

taylor - March 12, 2007, 02:02:42 -
Re: Reimagining cap ships!

In the collossususss(s/P?...They may even be standalone units (power wise) Just look at the mjolniiiiiiiir (s/P?

Colonol Dekker - May 25, 2006, 08:07:44 -
Re: CNN opinion article: The real gun problem is mental health, not the NRA

A object with 0.6kg and 10m/s has the same kinetic energy like an object with 0.006kg and 100m/s


cahdoge - July 01, 2014, 05:55:17 -
Win2k + SATA

said Windows install had either found unknown devices (it hadn't) or I'd pressed f6, and to press 's'...I pressed 's' and it gave me the source code file the error had apparently occured in.

WMCoolmon - June 26, 2005, 09:16:35 -
Actual velocities and accelerations?

For more decent speed, make an interceptor fighter flying within 180 m/s without afterburnout....And if we use afterburner so the fighter fly with a speed to 240 m/s.

DIO - January 12, 2005, 06:30:18 -
Tribute - MS Paint The FS Moments

Originally posted by PhReAk

you forgot:

Double Kill
Multi Kill
Ultra Kill
Mega Kill
M M M M O N S...T E R  K I L L
L  U  D  I  C  R  O  U  S   K  I  L  L
HOLY ****!!

Lukeskywalkie - March 28, 2005, 06:17:08 -
Quick request (sortof?)

specific goal

I'm not sure why you'd need to see the techroom as it exists after the end of FS2's...main campaign, but if you're just looking for some ship there may I suggest ctrl-shift-s.

StratComm - July 20, 2005, 11:20:33 -
Time = to travel through subspace?

What is the time that it takes to travel through subspace in F ree S pace?...I don't think these answers were in F ree S pace 1/2, so I suppose it was a stupid thing to ask about

Pegasus V - September 17, 2001, 12:35:00 -
Re: Deferred Lighting Open Beta 5 (30/07/12)

doing it like you define the types First and then do a list of Ships where you can say this glowpoint(s)...Bank light(s) are this Type. and Support multiples in the selection Like (1,3-4) would select 1 3 and

Valathil - August 30, 2012, 08:19:26 -
Re: Axem fanclub

EDIT: Bosch beer is so 2000's dudes. It's the 10's now.

yuezhi - November 19, 2013, 05:51:19 -
Re: Kerbal Space Program or "Rocket science is harder than it looks"

sent the capsule... at this moment, 4590 Km from home, and is still travelling at the rate of 2.8 Km/s....The Grand Coordinator IronBeer will hold a press conference with detailed data and photograph(s) once...:
Mission Time: 1hour, 35min, 5sec
Maximum Altitude: 15,226,160m / 15,226 Km
Maximum Speed: 3716.9m/s...Maximum Overland Speed: 101.6m/s
Overland Distance Covered: 91027.3m
Total Distance Covered: 15,226,930m

IronBeer - July 15, 2011, 02:05:47 -
POF CS Compiler Capibilities request

everything perfictly, if it just looked for an object named turret## if it is just an object with a light(s)...glued to it then it uses the single part turret algarithm that uses the loclight(s) (named whatever,...all you need to kow is it's a light) and the light(s) relitive position to detrmine the fireing point...(s) and the average relitive position as the normal (though maybe there could be an optional light named

Bobboau - May 03, 2001, 11:02:00 -