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Tomorrow (July 16) SG-Atlantis premiere!!!!

thinking Rainbow Six 3, where people insist the D.Eagle is supreme... in a way, yes, it puts 9mils and .45's

Hippo - July 17, 2004, 07:38:40 -
Re: FreeSpace 2 on International Movie Data Base...

OMG, I watch Stargate and That 70's Show all the time!

CKid - May 29, 2007, 04:44:20 -
A Pledge

[q] Originally posted by an0n
's there a HLP banner in the GS rotation yet? [/q]

Knight Templar - July 09, 2004, 02:28:24 -
Intruiging new game

Quote Originally posted by Ace
Hell even an FS ship would go 216,000 km/h (60m/s)

Tiara - June 29, 2004, 06:36:51 -
U.S. Military initiates early steps away from the Geneva convention.;_ylt=AmI3Bi0CNjm75NuG4z7XCSRsbEwB

achtung - June 05, 2006, 12:51:22 -
If you were an admin...

Quote Originally posted by Turnsky
's what Kick/ban in IRC is for.

karajorma - June 04, 2004, 07:51:55 -
Re: Toggleable scripted mouse (v. 0.9)

There´s just one thing: In "joystick" mode a can see the standard in-game cursor.

montyjj - June 29, 2020, 02:15:19 -
The Freespace 2 Tabletop Game

nah, just do something like this: T (for Terran, or S for Shivan, you get the idea) TBC-X (Terran Beam

Cobra - March 28, 2005, 01:52:35 -
I Hate the Power, so much

thread if it starts getting spoiler-ish regarding EVA; I'm still on the second episode of [adult swim]'s

Mongoose - October 30, 2005, 07:10:03 -
Re: Stuff we saw on youtube! (redux!)

In some ways superior to the cult 90's film, in some ways not so superior..... But mostly superior.

Colonol Dekker - March 22, 2021, 03:41:42 -
Re: favourite canon fighters.

Quote from: NGTM-1R on June 30, 2011, 01:29:53 pm The original Prom is actually superior to the Prom S...Damage: Full 26
Shield Damage: Average 14
Subsystem Damage: Poor 7

Quote from: Prometheus S...Just want to add: Prometheus S projectiles are looking cooler....And I love the sound from the S more....

Deadly in a Shadow - June 30, 2011, 01:46:05 -
Problem with Main Campaign

Question (from 2006), but they never got answered properly, so I thought to seriously point out, how it´s...I downloaded Babylon5, just to figure out that it´s actually possible, because the main FS2 Campaign...But is it possible to modify the Campaign File, so it´s not even appearing ingame ?...Please don´t ask me why i want to do´s not only cosmetical improvement, but has mainly to do

Art Kelson - June 12, 2008, 05:33:58 -
A cry to the new Battlestar Galactica fans... lets begin the BSG Total Conversion!!!!

It´s not that i wouldn´t like to be part of the project, it´s just that there is no way anything i had...You already made up your mind on how it´s gonna be....Honestly, i don´t want to rain on no one´s parade. Not now, not ever....I´m sure you would say it´s great, but would you still call it FS?...It´s just not Galactica.

Swamp_Thing - February 03, 2005, 03:27:59 -
Listen carefully, can you hear it?

Just because you don´t want it to work, that´s all....What this bill is trying to do is turn every house into a man´s medieval castle, where you do what the...It´s a license to kill your neighbour, and go scott free....Maybe i don´t like the milkman, because i got it through my thick skull that he´s banging my wife.

Swamp_Thing - May 20, 2005, 09:53:07 -
Re: Dude, I must really suck.

turret-mine-field in a 3-hit-death TIE Interceptor really hammered in the looping style I tend to use That´s...the mission where the traitor-bastard Harkov want´s to get rid of you, isn´t it??

Knarfe1000 - October 22, 2006, 02:31:18 -
Re: favourite canon fighters.

Quote Double Kayser or Double Prom S both have comparative drawbacks (either too much direct energy...The Prometheus S is already a deadly weapon, and is an annihilator in the hands of an Erinyes. 

Marcov - May 21, 2011, 09:11:51 -
Re: Capital Ship missions

well... but so it´s  possible to do such thing in the game? or it can only happen with videos??...:S
damn would love to see a mission where you should stop a lucifer from bombarding a civ plannet ::OOOOOO

Rodo - May 14, 2008, 12:32:20 -
Re: I just finished Mass Effect 3 (with the extended DLC). SPOILERS.

there were some contradictions between me3's geth and me2's. had me scrathcing my head.

Beskargam - September 22, 2012, 04:16:48 -
Re: Evil RIAA levied taxes on burnable storage

Yup, this has its roots in the 'blank tape tax' of the 80's, where the RIAA got money for every blank...back-ups, and the fact that home programming and recording is a lot more common than it was in the 80's,

Flipside - July 23, 2010, 01:13:52 -


Petrarch of the VBB - February 01, 2004, 08:55:09 -