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Re: FreeSpace being re-released!


Kie99 - August 22, 2007, 04:49:19 -
Re: FRED, and clearing up confusion/finding someplace to start

I would double-check mobcdmoc3's answer. ...If so, then mobcdmoc3's answer is incorrect, and the SEXP should be this:


Goober5000 - November 24, 2012, 09:43:01 -
Star Trek Ships?

Original source,  Larry Niven in the 60's 70's

At the end of Enterprise's second season when the

Ace - February 28, 2005, 04:06:52 -
Cappy ship's top speed...

Whenever any weapon hits the craft, it immediately comes down to about 200m/s from its previous 2000m.../s (i mean instantly slows down).

vadar_1 - January 19, 2002, 12:15:00 -
Xbox 360?

Halo 2's cinematics kick ass....On Halo 2's release date, thousands of people didn't show up at their jobs or schools to buy and play

WMCoolmon - May 03, 2005, 06:32:23 -
Re: Best weapons loadout

I use Kaysers whenever I can in both banks, but sometimes I use them with Maxims/Subachs/Prometheus S....If not, I use Prometheus S with Maxims or Subachs.

ssmit132 - December 10, 2008, 11:50:12 -
Re: A celebration of Freespace

JCDNWarrior on June 14, 2012, 08:59:16 pm Well CommanderDJ, if BTA gives us the table entry for the weapon(s)..., we can individually rename the weapon(s) ourselves Unless it's only a color change from BP's blue

NeonShivan - June 15, 2012, 09:36:19 -
Re: Installing Official 3.6.7 Media VPs

And DO NOT put those patches in with the 3.6.8 ones, as they're only for the 3.6.7's and will cause conflicts...Since you'll have to switch builds whenever you want to use the 3.6.7's, I suggest you stick to the 3.6.8

Fenrir - January 21, 2006, 06:42:04 -
Re: Computer Upgrade for Christmas

It's an ECS P965T-A, LGA 775, 2 PCI-e x16, and supports RAID 0 and 1 with 4 S-ATA 300's.

Bob-san - December 05, 2006, 01:07:13 -
Re: Revolution Tech Specs revealed.

its going to sell well if they market it in India, since most of the people here born in the late 80's...and early 90's practically grew up on the original, SNES and N64 before the PS1 came out.

Singh - March 30, 2006, 06:21:59 -
Re: FS2 weapon pairing of choice?

For fighters without a quad primary bank, Maxim and Prometheus S, although I hardly ever use the latter...For fighters with such a bank, Kayser on medium and Prometheus S on insane (on hard, it depends on the

CP5670 - August 13, 2009, 09:42:39 -
Re: Starcraft 2 discussion

Spoiler: Regardless of the quality of their presentation, SC1's story was a saga of 3 species, or at...invasion of Aiur and the slaying of the Overmind among others, all extremely large operations), while SC2's...The only mission remotely similar to SC1's ones is "In Utter Darkness", which basically represents the

Ghostavo - August 08, 2010, 05:34:26 -
Re: New Interplay site is up

I always enjoyed D3's singleplayer as a whole more than that of the previous two games, even if those...D3's attempts at creating a storyline-based game left a lot to be desired, but at least it let you do...I personally felt like the multiplayer was much more fast-paced too (well, at least more so than D2's,

Mongoose - September 24, 2008, 02:06:44 -
Help... Models keep crashing FRED!!!

It´s official!! It´s a poly issue!...What´s that all about?

PLEASE, post a link for FS_Open FRED, i´m a desperate man!!

Swamp_Thing - August 18, 2004, 05:18:08 -
Re: Obama orders closure of Gitmo

And it's not as bad as the 1980's, 1970's or 1930's, so it could be worse.

darkone - January 23, 2009, 11:16:53 -
Re: Thermal Interface Grease/Material???

Intel CPUs can hit high 70's, mid 80's and not be overheating....They don't even throttle until the 90's. Just saying.

KyadCK - March 25, 2012, 12:45:16 -
What in hell?

It´s one thing for the government to pay top dollar for a piece of land that will help develop an area...It´s a whole other ballgame when local authorities do it to allow the building of a new shopping mall...That´s just dumb.

Well said

WeatherOp - June 23, 2005, 02:37:47 -

Also, because i dropped out, I missed one of the greatest life´s experiences growing up: the college...Lot´s of unbridal sex, drinking, and basically fooling around like there´s no tomorrow.

Swamp_Thing - June 14, 2005, 03:38:23 -
Plz help! Completly lost here!!!

forum I found this sticky thread which says about a SCP 1.5 pack (with upgrades up to 1.9c) so, that´ question:

Wht´s more updated?...I tried to find some in the forum but, I must confess, it´s a bit confused for those who aren´t modellers

Schyzzo - September 26, 2006, 12:30:25 -
Campaign Story:Chapter One

Speed:90m/s max.speed 90m/s+45 m/s using the burners.

MicroPsycho - August 10, 2005, 07:14:20 -