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Re: F-14 vs Amazon Drone

Actualy, the A-10's primary weapon is the maverick IIRC.

FireCrack - May 09, 2006, 03:49:58 -
Hey HLP people

It´s a conspiracy, I tell ya!

Eishtmo - August 11, 2001, 08:08:00 -
Re: Vote for this man in '06!!

It's wierd, because back in the mid-1800's, Democrats were the wild, slave supporting people, and the

Polpolion - March 10, 2006, 08:35:29 -
Vasudan Science Cruiser released

Get it from the downloads section of The Scroll of Atankharzim 's website.

Sesquipedalian - July 08, 2003, 11:48:28 -
Re: New Eyecandy Thread

I think the Magos ... err, new Warlock is still a step up from INFR1's Warlock, even though it's a small

Androgeos Exeunt - March 28, 2011, 01:11:12 -
Re: New music coming your way soon!

If it´s new default music then put it into "FreeSpace2\Data\music\".

PeterX - July 21, 2010, 12:42:59 -
Re: How many fighters in a wing, how many wings in a squadron?

organized on the Aquitaine:

1. 20 GTF Myrmidon:
   - 8 for 53rd Hammerheads
   - 4 for some other squadron(s)...II
   - 8 for 107th Ravens
   - 4 for some other squadron(s)
   - 4 for everyone
   - 4 as replacements...   - 4 for 64th raptors
   - 2 for some othe squadron(s)
   - 2 for everyone
   - 2 as replacements...   - 4 as replacements
9. 10 GTB Boanerges
   - 4 for 64th Raptors
   - 4 for some other squadron(s)...   - 2 as replacements
10. 10 GTB Zeus
   - 4 for 64th raptors
   - 4 for some othe squadron(s)

Bonehead - June 06, 2010, 06:03:33 -
Re: BP2:WiH P1 VA Call: 10 days left*

2010, 03:23:14 pm Quote from: Iss Mneur on October 22, 2010, 10:49:42 am Updated "Kassim"'s...Yes, only the lines listed as the audition in the first post(s).

Iss Mneur - October 26, 2010, 03:28:27 -
Only 30 downloads?

The number of downloads is a really good indicator of how FS2's popularity s holding up.

Rictor - July 17, 2003, 01:30:08 -
Re: Help for a complete beginner!!

If you choose the 3.6.10's, be prepared for some bugs....If you choose the 3.6.8's, remember to download the corresponding patches from the very beginning of

Jeff Vader - September 02, 2008, 07:03:05 -
Re: Babylon 5 bloopers

S***! F***! S***!"

yeah, that was obviously cut.

akenbosch - August 19, 2007, 04:21:42 -
Re: SH Gargant?

Instead of the head of a 6 km long juggernaut crushing you at 200 m/s, you've got a 60 km long superjug...atomizing you at 10000 m/s.

Admiral_Stones - May 23, 2008, 04:19:59 -
How does Command see things?

The mission being Alpha 1's and the Command ship being the Aquitaine....(Presumably the A1's missions would be the most important during the Aquitaine's FS2 time line Tour of

Knight Templar - January 13, 2004, 01:26:30 -
Re: Updating R1

That´s not really a "nice" solution, but all files stored in the data-folder will override any file the vp´s.

Psychonaut - December 26, 2005, 05:10:49 -
Re: On NASA's Annual Space Settlement Contest

Wait for it to come to you, then grab onto it
wait what

They move at 10m/s don't they?...Or was it 25m/s...

deathfun - December 02, 2011, 04:12:44 -
Re: Why no-one can play freespace 2 today...

control a ship in 3D space -- I can do the turns, but not nearly as precisely and swiftly as with a J/S....Still, I use the mouse/KB combo, as learning to aim properly with J/S would take years of practice (too

castor - August 19, 2006, 05:51:03 -
Alcibiades' FAQ

The AP Stylebook (long may it reign o'er the scurvy mass media) says no to the extra s after the apostrophe...on singular possessive proper nouns ending in s. ...Goober, however, is an Elements of Style man, and they say add the s no matter what or there's gonna...I was wrong according to most of the places I looked about not adding s on singular possessive non-proper...nouns ending in s, so "bus's" is indeed legit, as is "hippopotamus's". 

swashmebuckle - March 07, 2009, 05:57:27 -
Re: The Lightning Marshall weapon errors

$Allowed PBanks:        ( "Katana HR-11" "Subach HL-7" "Akheton SDG" "Morning Star" "Prometheus S"...Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Lamprey" "Circe" "Maxim" )
$Allowed SBanks:        ( "TempestS"  "Phoenix-S"..."Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" "Lamprey" "Maxim" )
$Allowed SBanks:        ( "TempestS"  "Phoenix-S" ...)
$Allowed SBanks:        ( "TempestS"  "Phoenix-S" "Rockeye"  "Tempest" "TAG-A" "TAG-B" "Harpoon" "..."Prometheus R" "UD-8 Kayser" )
$Allowed SBanks:        ( "TempestS"  "Phoenix-S" "Rockeye"  "Tempest

Solatar - April 08, 2016, 07:25:42 -
Re: Halo: Reach

purpose as soldiers who could complete suicide missions by dint of sheer numbers, and there's one single Noble Team, which makes no sense considering he should be with the rest of the S-II's that are supposed...Actually...there's an intel entry on which does a fair job of explaining why the S-IIIs are

General Battuta - October 10, 2010, 05:56:05 -
Calling All 4k+ers from the VBB

But we haven't heard what [V]'s next game(s) are....they knew what kind of games Volition is capable of making and it would be a waste of talent if [V]'s

Pez - November 11, 2001, 11:39:00 -