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Right now Bleach 11 is going at ~55k/s, so a little slow.

Shrike - December 30, 2004, 02:48:12 -
GTA: San Andreas finally confirmed....

I remember Driver being quite fun (the original), and it had San Franciso in the 70's.

aldo_14 - March 01, 2004, 02:47:07 -
Re: Fenris cruisers

S-99, you're addicted to fighter bays, arent you?

Sarafan - June 10, 2006, 05:02:33 -
Re: Whatever happens in your life

(complete set) because it
s worth it..

Colonol Dekker - August 21, 2008, 05:01:52 -
Re: New Eyecandy Thread

BTW How B&S Vs R&G battle ended?
And will Rakshasa be in R2?

Qwer - December 15, 2005, 09:14:49 -
Re: W-H-I-Y-L I pity the fools that diss it.



Dilmah G - January 09, 2011, 07:22:53 -
Just wondering...

The Hades there has 4/5th the hit points of the Big C and Big S.

Tar-Palantir - February 24, 2002, 09:27:45 -
Re: SSLBeam Upgrade

I was pushed away at a few hundred m/s spinning at forces that would turn a pilot into goo.

Cobra - January 09, 2013, 01:15:26 -
Re: HLPX-COM 2: Electric Shot From Deep One Boogaloo

Next: the last mission before we do Squad 2's first.

NGTM-1R - May 20, 2012, 01:43:29 -
Freespace Trivia Game

Admiral Kahfre (s/p)

Q: What's the first thing that goes through a pilot's mind when he or she sees

diamondgeezer - November 05, 2002, 06:45:47 -
Re: New Campaign - FSAR

1.I know that Beams are shut down...i wanted to know,if there´s something else that is locked by Default...And how can I make Beams free by default in Fred Open...that´s interesting...

2.I just asked cause the

None - March 12, 2007, 05:15:06 -
Re: The sun sets in a blaze of three red lights, forever blinking

That's the reason i never got a 360, 16 of 20 people i personally know with 360's have had multiple RRoD's...:S

FS2_playa613 - March 03, 2009, 05:50:31 -
Question regarding speed measurement system

So you're saying that it would still move the same speed, but it will tell us that it's going 1000 m/s...looks like a snail, still takes forever for it to get to its destination, then you can have 100000000 m/s

J3Vr6 - November 20, 2003, 08:12:07 -
FREDing quiz

Noise, aren`t you using some of Trashman`s models for a campaign your working on?...I`m currently working on some of Trashman`s models, doing pathing and subsystems..

Whitelight - April 09, 2004, 03:50:00 -
Re: Ship classes

In general, the last letter(s) announces the ship type, the first one(s) announce the owner....Galactic Vasudan
GTVA = Galactic Terran-Vasudan Alliance (AFAIK only used as a prefix to GTVA Colossus )

Herra Tohtori - December 29, 2006, 07:55:06 -
Re: Newb FRED Question

letter J has to possible prons. one is like "y" and the other is like "g","z".In the second case,from S*...about other things...

1) The word you're probably looking for is probably better semi-censored as s*...on August 11, 2006, 04:24:00 pm Now this thread has turned into a gag...

2) You started the S*

Nuclear1 - August 11, 2006, 06:45:30 -
What in hell?

It´s one thing for the government to pay top dollar for a piece of land that will help develop an area...It´s a whole other ballgame when local authorities do it to allow the building of a new shopping mall...That´s just dumb.

Swamp_Thing - June 23, 2005, 02:16:32 -
Re: Updating R1

But that´s not an inferno problem. It´s something with the newer scp-builds....           +nocreate
$Shockwave Speed: 85.0
$Shockwave Count: 1
$Shockwave Model:  f_shockwave.pof


Psychonaut - January 10, 2006, 11:36:42 -
Alpha 1 departure cue - docking bay

I suppose I could just make an s-exp for when Alpha 1's ready to leave, he has to go within x distance

Pegasus V - July 13, 2002, 05:45:00 -
[WIP] The Battleship Warspite

Battleship - 7.5 km, 1 very small hangarbay, ultra-heavy armour & shields, ultra-heavy armament, 25m/s...shield, 90+ turrets)

Battlecruiser - 3km, no hangarbay, heavy armour & shields, heavy weaponry, 30m/s

TrashMan - November 21, 2003, 11:57:08 -