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Everyone in here! Now!

Captain Scarlet losses points 'cos of that bloody annoying,  mono-tone mysteron voice
"t-h-i-s  i-s  

magatsu1 - December 04, 2003, 03:22:38 -
For those of you that hate consoles...

D3's unrealistic look is due to the actual textures and weirdness with all the overdone bumpmapping and...Looks like HL2's gimmick has become an epidemic.

Ransom - February 10, 2005, 12:40:34 -
Most satisfying weapon to use (NOT a best-weapon thread)

Ares + Trebs + Harpoons + 4 Prometheus S + 2 Maxim....Harpoons because they're more accurate than Tornadoes, Prometheus S because you can fire 'em all day

pyro-manic - January 23, 2004, 06:27:51 -

Another way if your CD`s are scratched (sounds like it) is to have a hunt around for either

a) a Music...this is cause if your CD`s are scratched beyond a point it may be impossible to copy the contents across

hobnob1978 - April 07, 2003, 07:43:49 -
Re: Myrmidon

A top speed of 75 m/s with normal engine energy is nothing to sneeze at, with the ships you usually get...Overclocking gets all the way up to 95 m/s. ...The Perseus has a grand total of 5 m/s at either on the Myrm, and 5 m/s on burners. ...The ONLY thing the Persues has going for it is a measly 5 m/s and a slightly faster turn over the Mrym

Scotty - November 27, 2009, 02:21:53 -
Re: NuY-Wing

Also, Brand said that was at least 3.65 m/s. ...The X-wing might not have been going full out, meaning that if the ship was going 292 m/s and it wasn't...If we use additive weapon velocities, two closing craft at 300 m/s, firing weapons traveling another...1500 m/s, the closing velocity is now 2100 m/s

chief1983 - February 23, 2009, 02:03:25 -
Fighter Shielding

How is he supposed to know where to find the plasma cannon (it´s under your seat, Kuruma, along with...last night´s pizza leftovers and my chewing gum), like that??  

Swamp_Thing - October 05, 2004, 11:44:30 -
Re: Cruel Summer

@Devrous: if I may ask, what program(s) are you using in your recovery? ...have a few around, I'll did some of them up if you think they might help.. or is your current program(s)

jr2 - September 25, 2007, 07:44:04 -
Re: FS2 Retail 1.2 patch

Even the 3.6.8's take 466 megs. Without AdvEffects.
3. The 3.6.10's take 1,10 gigs.

None - July 21, 2008, 12:05:21 -

speed mod than the one out now, like faster cap ships(babysiting missions were horrible going 1200 M/s...while waiting for a ship going 32 M/s to get from point A to point B).

demon442 - October 15, 2002, 08:43:29 -
Shields on Cap Ships

*s******* FS guns are plasma!  ...*s*******

I'm actually not sure what the in-universe explanation is.  

Pnakotus - June 16, 2005, 02:14:15 -
Re: I like the big ships... how?

Quote from: S-99 on February 27, 2010, 01:45:20 am It just occured to me if you want to fly a 6km...A la this , S-99?

Androgeos Exeunt - March 05, 2010, 11:44:05 -
Re: a little help for a new guy?

Well if you know the H in HTL stands for hardware it shouldn't be hard to figure out what the S means

karajorma - July 20, 2007, 02:08:45 -
Dear god how good this is (FS1 Music)

I dunno, I like FS1's music, but I wouldn't call it better . Just feels different.

Setekh - September 20, 2004, 05:11:19 -
Re: Ships Don't Look Right

Maybe is some 80's rendering engine that is causing this!


Crazygar - May 28, 2008, 07:53:36 -
Re: OpenGL

Quote from: S-99 on January 01, 2008, 04:08:28 am This thread is dumb

Jeff Vader - January 01, 2008, 04:30:04 -
Re: Newbie Help

theres always:

new pilot+ctrl-shift-s in mission simulator= play any mission you want.

takashi - April 25, 2007, 01:24:20 -
Re: RELEASE: 3.6.12 Release Candidate 3 (RC3)

Why is FRED 3.6.12 RC1 masked as 3.6.12 RC3's? Nothing's changed since the first release candidate?

Mobius - June 30, 2010, 01:30:57 -
Re: THQ stock price fell by 60% this week. The company is circling the drain.

Let's donate to 's founders then have them buy the studio.

An4ximandros - November 13, 2012, 07:06:52 -
The Conversion Matrix

1) It´s the GTS Hygeia, a support ship
2) you´re probably talking about the GVB Bakha.

Slanker - July 16, 2001, 09:45:00 -