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Re: Lt. Ash's Voice Actor: Sinner or Saint?

el_magnifico on May 18, 2010, 03:57:46 pm Quote from: sigtau on May 18, 2010, 03:07:32 pm For ****'s...Ash's last five minutes of life are living proof that FS1's cutscenes epic-pwn FS2's cutscenes....They are a living proof that FS1's atmosphere epic-pwn FS2's atmosphere.

IronBeer - May 18, 2010, 04:30:02 -
Star Wars games... Overpopulation?

ISS = I nternational S uperstar S occer.

aka Pro Evolution on the Ps2.

aldo_14 - April 06, 2002, 01:27:03 -
FS1 or FS2

Whilst the FS2 Bosch cutscenes were BORING and the Ancients ones were cool, FS1's ending was pathetic...compared to FS2's.

Killfrenzy - October 24, 2002, 12:00:54 -
Re: Ghost Revenant

EDIT:  A minor mistake on my part:  It's actually called Ghost Revenant"s". ...I forgot the "s" earlier.

CT27 - January 02, 2015, 10:09:29 -
Anubis skin needed?

Apollo fighters using ML-16's and MX-50's were more than a match for a squadron of Anubis fighters

IceFire - December 07, 2001, 02:19:00 -
US lags in broadband access

You realize that most of the telecom/data infrastructure in this country dates from the late 40's and...early 50's right?

Liberator - August 19, 2005, 12:08:29 -
Sppeed test

Download: 3193 kbp/s
Upload: 255 kbp/s

I only have cable, though. Must be a proxy somewhere...

WMCoolmon - October 12, 2003, 08:19:48 -
Alcibiades' FAQ

S's is grammatically correct, but is awkward to read (and to pronounce)....So people just drop the s at the end.
Hey, languages evolve.

Droid803 - March 05, 2009, 11:59:18 -
Re: Tabling for fast, modern jet type fighters

BTRL is a good example if you want to have fighter goes around 300 m/s (I don't remember the speed setting...If you want something more speedy something around 450-500 m/s, your weapons speed must be at least around...800+ m/s....and go up to 1200 m/s when afterburner is used....Capital ships move at 350+ m/s.

MetalDestroyer - July 25, 2011, 03:29:11 -
Re: HALO vs FreeSpace

It's moving towards a node at 15m/s relative to the node (since that's what matters usually)....Its engines are at full, giving it a 0.01m/s 2 acceleration towards the node, which is the maximum acceleration...I'm not comparing m/s 2 to m/s, but in one more second, the change in velocity relative to the node...The 0.01m/s 2 is from the assumption that ion engines are very weak....FS accelerations are extremely overstated is just supposed to explain why large ships going at 15m/s

Qent - April 25, 2010, 06:13:36 -
Re: Inquiry: Unicode support?

If we use UTF8, then the char[]s will still work fine....If we use UTF16 or UTF32, then the char[]s will need to be changed over.

rsaxvc - December 05, 2010, 02:41:04 -
Re: Rate the sig of the person above you!


Laser is spelled with an "s" by the way. ...Sing it with me now:

L ight
A mplification by
S timulated
E mission of
R adiation

perihelion - May 02, 2007, 09:54:34 -
Re: Ok, seriously now.

MT 's nice. I like.

Anyway, MT's been coming along nicely lately....DarkShadow-'s been FREDding away.

Snail - January 06, 2007, 05:25:02 -
Re: Smash Bros... Finally!

I really like that kind of soundtracks, stuff like AC4's "Megalith --Agnus Dei--" and AC5's "The Unsung

Mobius - March 11, 2008, 03:55:21 -
Re: United States Congresswoman Shot

t h e y ' d p r o b a b l y g e t b e a t u p o r s o m...e t h i n g o n t h i s c a m p u s ....g a y b a s h i n g a n d r a c e b a i t i n g a r e p...o p u l a r p a s t t i m e s a r o u n d h e r e

iamzack - January 13, 2011, 07:34:06 -
Re: Unit Speed of ships? Are our ships SNAILS?

It's metres, and yeah, it's completely unrealistic, but try ramping up the table values to 250 m/s or...500 m/s and see how it plays.

Kie99 - April 13, 2015, 09:02:36 -
Re: Kerbal Space Program or "Rocket science is harder than it looks"

With the mods i've reached 5490m/s but windows crash stoped that atempt....Same setup as before the crash, but I missfired last stage so max speed only 5320m/s....Currently i'm 38 min in flight, speed 4913 m/s alt 9580k.

ChaserR - July 17, 2011, 01:20:11 -
Speed vs maneuverability

Not 100kph, 100m/s... That's  360kph....F-15 Eagle: 3060kph, 850m/s, around 850 top speed in Freespace....F-16 Falcon: 2448kph, 680m/s, around 680 top speed in Freespace....F-22 Raptor: 2203kph, 612m/s, around 610 top speed in Freespace....Porche 356: 185kph, 51m/s, around 50 top speed in Freespace.

Arculis - June 18, 2004, 04:07:24 -
Viper MKIV

its a huge fighter, think mk1, the man was tiny ass compared to the fighter not like in the new mk2's...fighter, think mk1, the man was tiny ass compared to the fighter not like in the new mk2's and mk7's

DamoclesX - January 05, 2005, 08:42:54 -
Re: HLP CARL - Who's in? (post here)

IF S-99 and Rictor joined, postage wouldn't be much for you guys, it could go from you to S-99 to Rictor

colecampbell666 - July 18, 2008, 07:04:30 -