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Re: New music coming your way soon!

It's Krackers87's Birthday today!

Mobius - November 25, 2007, 03:52:23 -
Re: [WIPs] Duat/some rocks double progress thread


Oddgrim - September 02, 2018, 03:41:02 -
Re: W-H-I-Y-L I pity the fools that diss it.

cat sized ponies take little ****s

he can wear a diaper!

iamzack - February 14, 2011, 04:01:11 -
Re: Blood Dragon: The 80s is strong with this one

80's cyborgs and neon lasers all over the place?  Yes, please!

SpardaSon21 - April 12, 2013, 11:04:51 -
Re: Vehicle Models

Revenant Battlemech

ThorC - May 24, 2022, 07:11:32 -
Re: Has anyone tried running FS2 on a large TV?

I did it in 2006 using s-video to scart.   Probabubbly no longer relevant.

Colonol Dekker - March 17, 2021, 08:49:32 -
Actual velocities and accelerations?

For more decent speed, make an interceptor fighter flying within 180 m/s without afterburnout....And if we use afterburner so the fighter fly with a speed to 240 m/s.

MetalDestroyer - January 12, 2005, 11:34:29 -
Lightning Marshall Mods

And the detailed tech stuff says it gos faster than Hecate (20m/s compared to 15m/s)....

Raptor - June 25, 2003, 04:35:07 -

If a car is going 70 k/m and is 100 meters from a stop sign, and is decelerating at 4 m/s/...s.  

vadar_1 - September 22, 2002, 10:31:39 -
Re: Hard Light goes Scottish ????

I t i s p r e t t y f u n n y t o w a t c h p e o p l e a r g u...e a b o u t p o l i t i c s i n p i r a t e s p e a k ...., h o w e v e r , a m g o i n g t o l i v e u p t o m y c u s

blackhole - September 18, 2008, 11:51:11 -
Re: megaupload shut down

In the 70's not everyone had a computer....In the 10's not everyone has their own cluster, especially not to the extent of university or commercial...access your desired cloud service. furthermore, the limitations of access to a mainframe in the 70's...are much greater than that of access to a cloud service in the 10's.

Polpolion - January 21, 2012, 03:07:28 -
Solarwar dump

JSRNerdo - November 27, 2016, 06:12:45 -
BOOM!! It's a bomber!!

seriously, all your old ships are of such high quality, I reckon you should leave them in there as Mark 1's,...and make your new models Mark 2's.

Setekh - November 01, 2001, 04:32:00 -
How big is too big?

No, the sentry guns are SSG ( S hivan S entry G un) as well IIRC.  

StratComm - June 24, 2005, 12:39:53 -
Re: PHYSIC (Physics related)

the slowest speeds- only it's effect is too small for anyone to calculate it (let's say that at 100 m/s,...or 360 km/h, the relativistic time factor is 1.0000000000000557, at 0.1c, or 30 000 000 m/s, the factor

BengalTiger - November 30, 2008, 05:46:28 -
Re: Looking for a Smartphone

Both were unlocked, S-Offed and Rooted. These are great devices!...Rocking Sense 3.5 on HTC Desire S now....Had a Samsung Galaxy S before, but the earpiece was broken, so I returned it....Not as much as my Desire S of course

aRaven - November 21, 2011, 07:22:27 -
Re: Atheism and Agnosticism

on July 07, 2013, 10:06:06 pm Awful double negatives aside, I don't have a lack of belief in god(s)...any more than I have a belief in god(s)....Not having a belief in god(s) is lacking a belief in god(s).

AdmiralRalwood - July 07, 2013, 10:20:07 -
Re: 10-01-11 - Kicking Off The New Year

The following are...#s-p21-sr-i0


Forgot the

Hotdog - January 27, 2010, 09:36:21 -
Re: Worstgames e'er :)

t h e r e    a r e    t o o   m a n y   o f   t h e s e :   '    f o r   m e   t o   u n d e r s t a

Ulala - September 19, 2006, 03:59:16 -
Re: The subach

S-breaker (Circe)

$Velocity: 400.0   (450)
$Fire Wait: 0.3       (0.4)
$Damage: 40          (45)
$Subsystem Factor 0.0 (0.0)
$Lifetime: 4.0            (3.0)
$Energy Consumed:0.2 (1.0)

Yeah, the S-breaker

Droid803 - August 07, 2008, 11:27:53 -