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Re: Bumper stick on the side of the car, no, ship I mean...

The side of Alpha 1's ship:

Got killz?  (Moustache optional.)

Tyrian - January 13, 2007, 04:19:19 -
The P-117 Raptor IV Transatmospheric Fighter

Ok, I have found FireSplat´s mission "Forced Retreat" on my HD....It´s mission 04 from my cancelled campaign "Bosch´s Dream".

Slanker - September 05, 2001, 12:59:00 -
Design a destroyer

Quote Originally posted by Swamp_Thing
So, what´s the news on Ryx´s model?...I really loved that design, it´s the best i´ve seen yet.
Any news?

Ryx - November 12, 2004, 07:16:44 -
Quran mishandling was true after all.

Let´s add a little tidbit to the discussion:

The last Amnisty International report on Human Rights compares...So that should tell us how´s life on GITMO like......can´t phatom how stupid the White House must think we are, to try and sell us the crap that a guard´s

Swamp_Thing - June 04, 2005, 05:22:54 -
World War III: Wasteland Earth

lol, he can't spell W-A-R-P-S-T-O-R-M and instead spells it W-A-R-P-S-T-R-O-M when it is, in fact

heretic - June 03, 2002, 06:47:08 -
60 km distance limit

To the person who said the AI doesn't handle speeds above 140m/s, you're wrong....I've had the AI go at 1000m/s, and the only noticeable difference is that everyone depends a lot more

Grey Wolf - April 07, 2003, 04:41:35 -
Re: Four Freespace Easter Eggs You Probably Didn't Notice (SPOILERS LIKELY)

Glad to know that the BP moved to that direction, too: it's a good way to celebrate 's achievements,...EDIT: Uh, if I remember well, there was a Deimos in one of 's other games. Summoner, maybe?

Mobius - May 31, 2011, 06:38:41 -
Re: Asimovian Thought Experiment

Quote from: Colonol Dekker on May 30, 2007, 06:00:02 am R2-D2's, T-800's Benders or Sonnys.

Mefustae - May 30, 2007, 06:54:33 -
Re: Delenda Est (spoiler!)

Watch as the Colossus gets rammed by a gigantic space flea traveling at 640m/s!...Make it 800m/s and I'd pay to see that...

just joking

Crybertrance - July 29, 2012, 01:42:19 -
Re: Anthem

(and not that Id's very forthcoming about engines anymore) was a pretty major departure from Doom 3's...I don't know how much of IdTech 5's code base is in Doom 2016's engine (IdTech 6) but I don't get the...I'm sure there's some vestigial code from Doom 3 or even Doom 1 in IdTech 6's bowels but the two latest...Wolfenstein 2 is built around Doom 2016's engine and not the weirdness of IdTech 6.

Firesteel - June 13, 2017, 04:54:14 -
FS1 Prometheus question

The weapon profiles are extremely different between Prom and Prom-S; the prometheus originally was almost...twice as powerful against hulls as it was against shields; the S variant actually is better against...And it used only 40% of the energy that the S does.  ...The S, on the other hand, will burn through shields about twice as quickly as the original did.  ...: 26
Hull Damage/second: 86.667
Shield Damage/shot: 14
Shield Damage/second: 46.667

Prometheus S:

StratComm - May 01, 2005, 05:47:13 -
Re: simple c++ question

Try thinking about how the number of *s per line changes as you go down and also the number of spaces...before the *s start on each line.

Spicious - November 22, 2008, 06:00:08 -
Get your ultra retro tech tv episodes here

Many episodes mainly running from the mid 80's...until the late 90's (although this collection is probably missing some episodes since the show ran from

Kosh - August 17, 2009, 11:05:36 -
Merseyside mourns dead chicken

When is Britain going to apologize for displacing all of the native americans back in the 15-1700's?...India in the 17-1800's, Africa during the same period? The opium wars? Etc?

Taristin - October 26, 2005, 12:56:32 -
Re: Nightly: 13 February 2018 - Revision a0a8812

I tried to see if it`s caused by any of my usual render options (thrusters, rotate systems, full detail...Edit: It`s still there....Interestingly, it usually crashed instantly, but I loaded up BP`s Morena, and it actually let me rotate...Adding today`s log, just in case.

Makhpella - February 15, 2018, 04:09:29 -
Re: BIG mission

P L E A S E P L E A S E P L E A S E P L E A S E do not make this mission.

woodburner - January 13, 2008, 02:33:27 -
Freespace and Speed: How Fast is Slow?

No m/s, km/s, miles/hour ect.  ...Now, we've basically assumed that it is m/s, and I suppose it works, but is it true?...Thus, FS2 measures ship distances in m/s.

Creator of the Table Edit project.

Joey_21 - August 27, 2001, 04:58:00 -
Mind-mangling Lego trickery

you mean that wierdo thingy where you lean on it and it "go"s?

Knight Templar - January 18, 2003, 02:47:34 -
Re: Primaries

But I like the Prom S

Harbinger of DOOM - December 30, 2006, 12:14:34 -
Re: Meet the Pyro

indeed meet the sniper captures the 1960's vibe that they are going for the best

mormon_boy - July 01, 2012, 04:03:38 -